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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Wow! Trump Unloads Gargantuan Executive Order—Wall Street Is Stunned

Nowadays, it is not strange to hear some terrible policy made by the Democrats.

After the crisis in 2008, they used the Dodd-Frank law as a regulation to Wall Street.
However, there weren’t a lot of great things that came up out of their regulations.
The people only saw higher costs, harder burdens to regulate and bigger risk regarding the structure of the banks. President Donald Trump, who pledged to fix this issue, has already started with the first steps.
President Trump released two orders that mean good for the American people and will finally destroy one of the policies that were created by the Democrats.
According to Los Angeles Times, his signatures will order “six-month reviews of the 2010 law’s authority for regulators to designate large firms as a risk to the financial system and to try to shut them down with minimal collateral damage if they’re on the verge of failing.”
Furthermore, the White House announced that he will sign another order to Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin urging him to “review significant changes to the tax code since the start of 2016 to determine whether they ‘impose an undue financial burden on American taxpayers,’ ‘add undue complexity’ or ‘exceed statutory authority.’”
This means that Trump is facing some hard work up ahead, and it is all because of the ideology of the Democrats. However, so far, he is quite successful when it comes to reversing the policies of the country and making them much better. Trump cares about his nation and he will do anything in his power to remove the heavy tax and regulatory burdens.
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