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Saturday, December 16, 2017

Resignation?! Special Counsel Robert Mueller Implicated In Shocking Scandal, You’ll Be Speechless!

When the previous FBI Director Robert Mueller was appointed to lead the “Trump-Russia” investigation, the media responded by championing his pristine records.

Well, in fact, he is a corrupt and crooked cop.

While he was director, he worked close to the Islamic Society of North America and the Council of American Islamic Relations.
As contended by previous Trump administration official Dr. Sebastian Gorka, the West’s refusal to perceive the truth of radical Islamic terrorism makes it defenseless against more terror attacks from bunches like Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Gorka contrasted the radical Islamic terrorism with cancer.
“If you, God forbid, caught cancer, and the hospital was forbidden from calling it cancer and said, ‘you have the flu, go home and hydrate and take some aspirins,’ would you actually have the right treatment?”
According to our source, Conservative Post, his point was that the danger should be recognized before it can be battled.

CAI itself was founded by three Palestinian terrorists, Omar Ahmad, Nihad Awad and Rafeeq Jaber. They were once part of Hamas’ purposeful publicity associations in North America. The U.S. government named CAIR as an un-indicted co-backstabber in the 2007 financing body of evidence against the Holy Land Foundation. A government judge found that this foundation was channeling money straight to Hamas. Also, it was connected to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood association.
Looking at the ISNA, it was discovered a connection with Hamas. In 2008, the ACLU and the government court in Dallas revealed the way ISNA and it’s partner, the North American Islamic Trust, kept money related connections to Hamas that extended in 1990’s.
Robert Mueller undermined America’s anti-terrorism foundation by giving a chance to adversaries to coordinate the course of the instruction and preparing.

The reality about Mueller is that he is running a profoundly politicized examination since he has dependably been a politician-on screen character, not a real investigator.
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