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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Desperate Obama Just Showed Up Where Trump Was And Tried To Take Over As President – Blows Up In His Face

Growing old is a process that is bringing wisdom to every human, but it can be difficult in a man’s life.

Growing to know you’re slowly loosing your “society-given” abilities can be hard to understand.
Especially if you had a high status and a very taxing job.
According to our source, Freedom Daily, during the last eight years the United States grieved under the administration of the Democratic manikin that is Barrack Hussain Obama, sliding further and further from our previous wonderfulness. This previous President thought that it was adequate to apologize for everything that made America extraordinary, regardless of whether that be our free market, our migration approaches, our military or even our level of social assorted variety.
This hasn’t sat well with Obama, be that as it may, and he is by all accounts longing for the days when everyone’s eyes were on him. As indicated by the Independent Sentinal, he is really shadowing the present President, going behind and doing what he has constantly done; apologize for our enormity: “Acting like he’s still president, Barack Obama is following President Trump’s successful trip with one of his own, meeting with Presidents, rehashing his alleged successes while abroad, all in an attempt to diminish Trump’s overseas wins. In other words, he’s a troll.
Obama is on a three-country tour of India, China, France, meeting with presidents, talking about climate change, and acting the role of the Pretender.
It’s sad when a has-been President is still attempting to bask in former glory and feels the need to shamelessly follow the current President around in Asia. He has gone where no president has gone before and he looks very foolish.
He’s the Norma Desmond of Politics. Norma Desmond was a character played by Gloria Swanson in the movie Sunset Boulevard. She’s the dangerous and fading film star who ends up believing she’s young, popular and beautiful when all the cameras are trained on her after she kills her young lover.”
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