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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

All Hell Breaks Lose On Fox News: Laura Ingraham Eviscerates Megyn Kelly, Live On Air

Yesterday, was reported that Megyn Kelly brought three women who have accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct on her morning show to increase ratings. Hours later, Fox News host Laura Ingraham gave a brutal dose of reality to Kelly, who claimed that she planned to stay out of politics when she started on NBC.
Mad World News  reported that Ingraham began by slamming NBC for trying to “distract from their own journalistic and sex abuse scandals” by “dragging out” women who accuse President Trump of sexual misconduct. It’s barely even been a week since legendary NBC host Matt Lauer was fired for sexual misconduct.
“The president, of course, has denied these allegations, but that didn’t stop Megyn Kelly from showcasing them on her own struggling morning show,” Ingraham said on Monday night. “So much for her staying out of politics. Wasn’t that what she was going to do?”
“Well, they then held a press conference sponsored by a [George] Soros-backed group called Brave New Films,” added Ingraham. “Brave New Films describes itself as a ‘quick-strike media company that has produced a string of liberal documentaries.’ Establishment media tripped over themselves to take the bait and turn today’s White House press briefing into a total circus.”
Liberal reporters confronted White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Monday about the allegations, with April Ryan saying, “this is a huge issue, Sarah.”
Ingraham acknowledge that there are “huge issues” at hand at this moment in time, but none of them include bogus harassment allegations which the president has categorically denied.
“Well, now, on the day before the Alabama Senate election, as we predicted last week when Democrats ran Al Franken out of the Senate without so much as a scheduled hearing, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is calling for President Trump to resign from office,” continued Ingraham. “This is a craven attempt to weaken the president with these choreographed allegation parades. But, my friends, they won’t work. But at least now it’s easier to see with whom certain media organizations are colluding, and to what end.”
Kelly and the rest of the mainstream media are treating the allegations against Trump as absolute fact even though there is absolutely no evidence to support them. Most of the allegations are from decades ago, and none of the women have mentioned anything about Trump to anyone until now.

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

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