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Sunday, October 15, 2017

[VIDEO] A Reporter Just Asked Hillary If She Killed Seth Rich…Her Reaction Will Blow Your Mind!

This video is going viral everywhere. Conservative journalist Laura Loomer asked Hillary Clinton a question that everyone has been wanting to know. She asked, “What Happened to Seth Rich?” Watch the video below.
“Hi, it’s so great to see you. Thanks for having me,” said Loomer. “So the American people would really like to know what happened to your 33,000 emails?”
Hahahah,” Clinton said back.
“What happened in Benghazi?” asked Loomer.
“Go read the book,” answered Clinton.
“What happened to the millions of dollars that was supposed to go to the people in Haiti?” Loomer asked, referring to the millions of dollars in earthquake relief donations the Clintons were reportedly in charge of. “What happened to Seth Rich?
What happened to your health Hillary?”
“You know what, I’m so sorry you believe things that are untrue,” Hillary replied. “Read the book.”
After getting kicked from the signing area, Loomer ran up to Huma and said the following.
“Huma its so great to see you. When are you going to divorce your husband for texting underage girls?” Loomer asked Huma about her husband, Anthony Weiner.
Loomer was detained by by Secret Service after this for 20 minutes, according to They were worried that someone was trying to grab a strand of Hillary’s hair because of Martin Shkreli’s $5,000 bounty open for it.
Laura Loomer previously questioned Chelsea Clinton at her signing about Jaunita Broaddrick – who accused Bill Clinton of raping her.

Share this everywhere if you will never be buying Hillary’s book. We should not ever give this woman more money. She’s already taken so much from this country.

1 comment:

  1. True to her deceptive self she can't even come up with a good lie to answer.
